Tag Archive for: Important News.

Anti-fraud information

Financial fraud cases have proliferated in recent years, with the elderly disproportionately affected as victims. In response, the Taiwanese government and civil society organizations have proactively undertaken anti-fraud education initiatives.

Successfully obtained trademark registration in United States.

Our company’s trademark has successfully completed the registration process in United States, marking a significant milestone that symbolizes our steady development and commitment in the region.

Successfully obtained trademark registration in Singapore.

Our company’s trademark has successfully completed the registration process in Singapore, marking a significant milestone that symbolizes our steady development and commitment in the region.

Invited to sponsor the Berkeley Innovation Forum.

This year, our company is honored to sponsor the Berkeley Innovation Forum, an internationally renowned platform for innovation exchange that brings together leading global experts, scholars, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Anti-fraud statement.

Recently, our company received a notification that unknown individuals have been impersonating our company’s executives, employees, shareholders, etc., and falsely claiming to invest in the Token International Exchange in the name of our company.

Trademark misappropriation by fraud syndicates? Investing: Don’t be fooled!

Telecom fraud crimes are like chameleons, often attaching themselves to emerging technologies.