
中文導讀:Laura    &    Review in English: Blessing
     The Chinese and English reviews of this article are shared from different points of view by two authors.


Journal Article Review

The recent development of internet technologies has rapidly transformed the traditional tourism industry into “smart” tourism. Smart tourism includes real-time operational tourist data analysis. However, smart tourism is still rife with problems like data privacy, security, and management. Blockchain is a digital technology that offers solutions to these problems. Applications of blockchain technologies in tourism include but are not limited to digital service platforms, travel credit, identity authentication, and finance.

With the next iteration of the internet, coined the Web 3, the Metaverse has gained popularity. The concept of virtual shared spaces is emerging in the tourism arena, particularly in edutainment. Edutainment constitutes entertaining people while teaching them something valuable at the same time. The global e-learning market could rise to $376 billion by 2026.

Gemiverse Limited Corporation proposes an edutainment platform, Gemiverse, designed for integration into the Metaverse. Gemiverse will offer an immersive tourist experience while offering tourism-related certifications to the public. The four core areas in which Gemiverse strives to excel are listed below.

1. Edutainment mobile gameplay: To engage both visitors and learners. Visitors can visit World heritage sites while learners can choose training programs.

2. Learn-and-earn mechanics: Players earn a Gemiverse token while learning.

3. Gameplay community incentives: Aims to empower creators for the growth of the ecosystem.

4. Gameplay accessibility: Aims to make the game available on android and iOS platforms.

Blockchain is having a revolutionary impact on the tourism value chain. Several aspects of this value chain are worth our attention.

(a) Finance: International travel often involves exchanging fiat currency. Cryptocurrency can improve tourism payment efficiency. However, more work is required to regulate cryptocurrency payments.

(b) Travel credit: The consensus mechanism offered by blockchain technology can help create a high-quality tourism market where both businesses and customers exhibit mutual trust and order.

(c) Service: Blockchain helps to streamline various tourism services like aviation and hospitality. It can considerably improve the tourist experience.

(d) Supply chain: The tourism supply chain involves several players from food, transportation, entertainment, and other industries. Blockchain can enhance tourism by streamlining supply chain operations.

(e) Management: Decentralized Apps (DApps) can improve the interaction between tourism companies and their customers.

(f) Administration: Blockchain provides efficient and traceable solutions for several government administrative services such as notary public services, document certification, and authentication.




  1. 旅遊金融:將區塊鏈技術應用至各項旅遊費用支付,以及資料儲存與保護。不過在加密貨幣支付和旅遊金融監管等部分的合規性可能需要特別留意。
  2. 旅遊信任與秩序:利用區塊鏈的共識機制創立信任及秩序,讓商家及遊客共同建構良性循環的生態體系。
  3. 旅遊服務:以區塊鏈技術協助完善旅遊服務及溝通,並借此提升遊客的體驗感和忠誠度。例如:瑞士的國家旅遊公鏈平台建置策略建議、泰國學者提出的區塊鏈全球旅遊評論架構。
  4. 旅遊品質與資訊安全:應用區塊鏈技術至旅遊供應鏈管理來確保旅遊產品的真實性,降低支付成本,增強旅遊公司和消費者層面的信任等。也可用於追蹤飛機乘客資產的狀態及位置、核實機組人員及乘客身分。
  5. 旅遊景點與價值管理:以區塊鏈分散式的特性,提升各景點的溝通效率、並透過自行開發的Dapp來加強與客戶間的互動。例如:TUI Group的區塊鏈系統能用來提供酒店空床訊息,並藉此發展成新的商業模式。
  6. 政府的行政服務管理:區塊鏈智慧旅遊能協助政府的服務提高效率、降低成本。例如:杜拜和瑞士以區塊鏈數位護照來提升行政效率,並以此提供了可追溯的身分認證解決方案。


    1. 專業的旅遊認證服務。
    2. 有趣的職業模擬遊戲設計。
    3. Learn to Earn的技能培訓機制(以NFT、代幣,以及排名作為激勵)。
    4. 社區激勵生態系統發展規劃。
    5. 友善且方便的使用介面。
    6. 學習者指定功能:項目培訓及場景實踐。
    7. 較傳統旅遊業更多樣的遊客服務。
